2011 Rocked and Rolled

We rocked 2011 in ways no other year could be rocked. I’ve spent a lot of time looking back at the year over the last couple of days, and I just want you to know that the Brindle Tribe took 2011 to new levels and new heights we had never been before.

  • We started the year headed west. I fell in love with the south west, and we found our toes in the Pacific Ocean for many of us the first time ever.
  • I started training for a marathon
  • I stopped training for a marathon and began to bake a baby in my belly instead
  • one of us turned one, successfully.
  • Our bus found it’s final resting place in North Field Minnesota–it was a sad day, but we soon saw what the Lord was doing through it
  • a 6 year old birthday was spent at the Mall of America, where roller coasters were conquered and a new era of childhood began.
  • Not to be outdone, shortly after a 4 year old birthday was spent.–in pink. as it should be
  • greater responsibility was bestowed on Josh and I. The Lord is good.
  • a beard of 7 years was shaved off.
  • We found ourselves at home more permanently at the end of the year.–in fact, when we’ve tried to leave it’s been quite difficult. A season at home is good.

For a fantastic slideshow, worked on way more then a small blog should really do,  please click this link!

Here’s to 2012. And Rocking it just as hard.

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